Learn and enjoy the benefits that mindful walking can bring.
Outdoor walking can alleviate stress or anxiety and there's now science to prove it. Some GPs are prescribing it for their patients Scottish GPs to begin prescribing rambling and birdwatching | Scotland | The Guardian However, teaching and guidance will always increase the benefits.
We often walk with the intention of getting somewhere; from A to B, our minds wandering as we move, consumed by what we carry inside. Without awareness, we miss an opportunity to walk and truly be where we are.
So I lead mindful walking within the Peak District National Park and invite you to join me..
At each event I teach you a variety of techniques you can practise to help you walk more mindfully. They're easy to pick up and lead to a greater sense of connection with yourself and everything around you. Now you'll be walking for walking's sake with the sole intention of simply arriving where you are.
This in turn, creates a wealth of physiological benefits positively impacting the inner functioning of our body and mind.
Being intentional about engaging our senses, provides the mind with a natural, easy pathway out of overthinking and into the larger reassuring space of our surroundings. As we walk silently within a group, the movement we all share, becomes a meditation in itself.
April - September (Week day evenings)
Mindful Walking

Workshops / Event Retreats
Popular workshops and events include weekend mindful walks combined with writing/poetry, sleep, menopause and nutrition. These are usually based at the Longshaw Discovery Centre in the Peak District. National Park.